HFNL Weekly Netball Wrap: Round 7

HFNL Weekly Netball Wrap: Round 7

24th May 2024

News from round Six.

Injuries: Unfortunately, a number of significant injuries in round six of Hampden Netball.

Isabel Rae from South Warrnambool has a broken bone in her arm, a four-to-six-week layoff. It will be interesting to see how Will Jamieson uses the different combinations available and South’s adaptability to the same. I will watch with inquisitiveness.

Adding to Koroit’s injury woes Ashley Evans, had a heavy fall and Molly McKinnon, ruptured her ACL, in the game against North Warrnambool. Molly ‘s injury will be a twelve-month recovery time. The growing list of injuries will put Danielle McInerney’s netball brain to the test, and again I will watch to see what Danielle & Koroit produce. Koroit had a little good news this week with Scarlett O’Donnell and Molly McLaren’s injuries not as bad as first thought.

Goalies doing the job.

I could not help but notice a number of shooters putting big numbers on the scorecard in round six. A round of applause to the following players. I’m hoping I have not missed anyone who scored above thirty goals in round six. 

 Eva Ryan, Warrnambool 58, Skye Billings, North Warrnambool 41, Jessika Tobin Salzman Port Fairy 36, Piper Stevens, Camperdown 35, Nell Mitchell, Koroit 34, Shakira Stuchbery, Portland 33 and Eboni Knight, Terang/Mortlake 32.

The Cobden vs South Warrnambool game was a real cracker, South by seven goals in an intense contest. Exactly what we have come to expect over the last few years when these two teams face off. From what I have heard Cobden are starting to jell with their depth of young talent and the experienced players becoming a formidable combination.

Round Seven Contests

Camperdown vs South Warrnambool.

I believe the ladder leaders (South Warrnambool) will be too strong for the up-and-coming Camperdown team, a test for the Emily Stephens coach side.

Terang/Mortlake take on Koroit at Ridley Recreation Reserve, Terang/ Mortlake and Koroit are on the same number of points sitting fourth and fifth on the ladder, tough for me to pick but I have gone with Koroit by a whisker.

Cobden travel to Hanlon Park, the home of the Portland Tigers, Cobden will continue with their good form from last week and bring home the four points.

Warrnambool take on North Warrnambool at Bushfield. Do not be surprised if this becomes a real shoot out. With both teams attacking line up in fine form. A respected coach said to me this week that sometimes the easiest way to get an inception is to let the opposition get the goal and start again. I believe this may be the case in this contest. Warrnambool need the win to stay in touch with the top five unfortunately for them I think the Eagles by a small margin.

Hamilton vs Port Fairy at the Gardens Oval on Sunday May 26th this match will complete round Seven of Open Hampden Netball.

Hamilton has had a couple of injury concerns most weeks in 2024 thus at this stage are not as well-balanced as they will become later in the season. Port Fairy under the guidance of Lisa Arundell will collect the points this week. 

Thanks to our Interleague Coaches and Players:

The league recognises the commitment of the Coaches, and the players for their continuous work whilst they prepare for the Association championship. Not long now until the regional part of the competition. It would be remiss not to thank the parents as they transport the junior players to training. Fingers crossed Hampden gets our juniors teams through to Melbourne to join the Will Jamieson coached open side on the 16th of June for Finals Day.

Junior Coaches are:

Under 13 Reserves:         Nat O’Dea

Under 13                          Kate Dobson & Lianne Harrison

Under 15 Reserves:         Stacey O’Sullivan

Under 15                          Leah Kermeen & Josie Ellerton

Under 17                          Danielle McInerney

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